
My DEP is rejected for the reason: The DEP Declaration is rejected as there already exists an RTP for the voyage.

There already exists a return to port message for this voyage. This means that you properly corrected a previous departure. Reset sending the departure and put the message as “put as send/received”. Now you can send your correct departure on a new trip.

My DEP is rejected for the reason: The DEP Declaration has been rejected as a Departure already exists for this voyage.

This rejection means you already send a departure to the government. Now you can send other messages.

My DEP is rejected for the reason: Date/time is in the future.

The time/date you put in as the time/date of your departure exceeds more the one hour of the current time. Put in the correct time of your departure. You can’t send a separate ahead of time of 1 hour.

My Dep is rejected for the reason: The DEP Declaration has been rejected as the Activity Date / Time exceeds 1 hour.

The time you put in your departure exceeds more than 1 hour of the current time. It is not allowed to send a departure for more than 1 hour in the future. Please adjust the time or wait until the time is right to send the departure.

I want to change the date/time of my departure.

When your first departure message is accepted by the government, you can create a correction. Alter the date/time of your departure and send the message. There will appear a pop-up screen with a warning the by sending this message you will send a correction to the government. Click on “OK” on the pop-up screen and send the message to the government.

I want to change the captains in the logbook

The government does not allow to change the captain during the trip when the departure is accepted by the government. You can change the captain for future messages. Go to confuguration>crew, select the right captain, and press “Save”.

In my previous catch, I held catch onboard. I do not see it coming up on the screen during the departure of my new trip.

When, in your previous trip, you have selected the option to keep your catch onboard the vessel, the catch will appear after you click on “send” in your departure. When sending your departure, an extra screen will appear with the catch in it. You can alter, delete, or add catch before sending your departure.

I have kept my catch onboard from my previous trip but the next trip will be steaming. What should I do?

The activity to select in your departure is “relocation”. By selecting this activity, you are still able to create a sales/landing declaration. When you are steaming from one haven to another without a catch onboard, choose “cruising” as an activity in your departure en return to port.